Cumin seed is being used in Indian Cusine for a very long time. When our ancestors added Cumin Seeds in our food, they were not just thinking about taste and aroma of Cumin Seed. They also knew the numerous health benefits of Cumin Seeds. Today, we will explore the health benefits of Cumin Seed and why it is good for you to include Cumin Seed in your daily diet.

1. Improves Digestion
The most common traditional use of cumin is for indigestion.
Modern research has confirmed that it helps to fire up digestion.
Cumin also increases the release of bile from the liver. Bile helps digest fats and certain nutrients in your gut.
Cumin aids digestion by increasing the activity of digestive proteins. It may also reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Huge source of iron.
Cumin seeds are normally wealthy in iron.
One teaspoon of ground cumin contains 1.4 mg of iron.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, affecting up to 20% of the world’s population and up to 10 in 1,000 people in the wealthiest nations.
In particular, children need iron to support growth and young women need iron to replace blood loss during menstruation.
Cumin is very dense in iron, providing almost 20% of your daily iron in one teaspoon.
3. Helps in Diabetes
Some of the cumin’s components have shown promise helping to treat diabetes.
One clinical examination demonstrated a concentrated cumin supplement improved early pointers of diabetes in overweight people.
Cumin also contains components that counter some of the long-term effects of diabetes.
Cumin contains several components that reduce AGEs(advanced glaciation end-products), AGEs are likely responsible for damage to eyes, kidneys, nerves, and small blood vessels in diabetes.
4. Improves Blood Cholesterol
One clinical examination demonstrated cumin blood cholesterol in clinical studies.
In one study, 75 mg of cumin taken twice daily for eight weeks decreased unhealthy blood triglycerides.
In another study, levels of oxidized “bad” LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol were decreased by nearly 10% in patients taking cumin extract over one and a half months.
High-density lipoprotein is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are complex particles composed of multiple proteins that transport all fat molecules around the body within the water outside cells.
5. Promotes weight loss and fat deduction
Concentrated cumin supplements have helped promote weight loss in a few clinical studies.
One study of 88 overweight women found that yogurt containing 3 grams of cumin promoted weight loss, compared to yogurt without it.
Another study showed that participants who took 75 mg of cumin supplements every day lost 3 pounds (1.4 kg) more than those who took a placebo.
6. May Prevent Food-Borne Illnesses
One of the cumin’s traditional roles in a seasoning may have been for food safety.
Many seasonings, including cumin, appear to have antimicrobial properties that may reduce the risk of food-borne infections.
Several components of cumin reduce the growth of food-borne bacteria and certain kinds of infectious fungi.
The test-tube study showed that cumin reduces the drug resistance of certain bacteria.
When digested, cumin releases a component called megalomicin, which has antibiotic properties.
7. Helps with inflammation
Test-tube studies have shown cumin extracts inhibit inflammation.
There are several components of cumin that may have anti-inflammatory effects, but researchers don’t yet know which are most important.
Cumin contains multiple plant compounds that decrease inflammation in test-tube studies.
Studies in mice have shown that cumin components reduce addictive behavior and withdrawal symptoms.
Some Common FAQs related to Cumin Seed
1. Are cumin seeds the same as cumin powder?
Cumin seeds and ground cumin are really the same spice in two different forms, it is reasonable to expect that they would taste the same. … The overall flavor of freshly ground cumin is typically more intense and complex when compared to per-ground cumin.
2. Cumin is from what plant?
Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family. The cumin plant grows to 30–50 cm (12–20 in) tall and is harvested by hand.
3. Are cumin seeds spicy?
Cumin comes from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant, which is now cultivated not only in North Africa but also in the Americas, the Mediterranean region, China, and India. … Cumin isn’t actually all that “spicy” in the sense of heat.
4. How to take cumin for weight loss?
Soak 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in water for 5-6 hours or overnight. Then, boil the seeds in the morning and filter the drink. Now, add lemon juice to it and drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.

Please read on our blog on how to prepare cumin water –
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